Leaves, Ferns, and Grasses
Yes I understand leaves, ferns, and grasses are not wild flowers, but wanted to add them into and this section seemed as good as any
Beach Leaves  -  As with most aspects of photography, light is everything as is shown by the way the light falls on this Beach leaf.  The image was taken in Dorset.
Catkins - Another common plant is the Catkin, these images below were taken in Cambridgeshire and Leicestershie.
Blackberry -  is an uncommon plant, the image below was found in Norfolk whilst I was searching for Swallowtail butterflies to photograph.
Horsetail - Another plant of arctitectual interest is the Horsetail which is a damp loving tall plant when fully grown is very sci-fi in appearance and looks like it is best suited to ancient overgrown swamps.  There are several different sub species of Horsetail occurring in Britain of this plant including about four sub species in Leicestershire, and further research is needed to identify which one this is.  A further visit is also planned as it is probably worth taking some more images of these at different stages of growth.  Horsetails are never going to be stunning examples of wildflower photography, but as hopefully this image below shows, they are certainly worth a repeat visit and getting a few more of different growth cycles.