Other Early Spring Flowers
As each winter slowly draws to an end, it is often the first flowers of the year which mark the warming days and are the first visable signs of spring.  
Winter Aconite  -  The early arrivals each year are often crocus and snowdrops, both of which can be found both wild and cultivated.   But also amoungst the first flowers each year is the Winter Aconite which is also found during the cold weather often when snow is still on the ground and frosts are still common.  It can be in flower as early as January, but more usually it is found in Feb. and March.  It has six sepals and is found in a variety of locations including churchyards and open damp areas such as woodlands, sometimes it flowers later and sometimes the flowers don't die back until June.
Lesser Celendines  -  Many of the early spring flowers are yellow in colour including Lesser Celendines shown in the two images below.
Primrose  -  Many of our early Spring flowers are easy to identify including Primroses which are another flower of the woodland floor allthough they are often also seen on the grass verges as you drive along the country roads.