The Fresh Taste Of The Sea

Unfortunately, everyone wants a huge variety of fresh food to be available in the big-name supermarkets all year round irrespective of what is, and what is not in season.  This often means that much of the food that we purchase and eat having been grown far away on different continents and has already traveled many thousands of miles before sitting on supermarket shelves waiting to be purchased.

But one of the aims of Hebrides Cruises which is the family-run travel firm that I work for as a wildlife guide is to ensure their guests are treated to Scottish local produce as frequently as possible.  This extends to fish and seafood and it is fair to say that you can not get anything as fresh as some of the local produce that is very fresh indeed.

Amongst the fish and seafood served to guests they often have Mackerel that both guests and crew have the opportunity to catch with rod and line whilst at anchor.

But one of the highlights is always the fresh Scallops that are hand-dived and collected by Rob who is the owner and one of the skippers

There are many good sites for scallops including the coasts of Mull and Eigg, so I decided to take some images to show operation from the dive through to the plate.  These great tasting Scallops are expertly cooked, they can not be fresher, had zero food miles, and were served within 2 hours of leaving the sea.


With all of this hard work going on around me, I was pleased to take the above images to record a short sequence of the event.  I even managed to help with the preparation of the Scallops, although it is unusual for me to appear in front of the lens.