Magellanic and Blackish Oystercatchers

There are at least ten different species of Oystercatcher around the world and they are wildly distributed across a large geographic range on many continents.
there is an African Oystercatcher, America has Black Oystercatcher, and there is also a species called the  "American Oystercatcher" which is found in both north and south south America.  In New Zealand there is a species called the Variable Oystercatcher, and a South Island Oystercatcher.  Nearby is the Sooty Oystercatcher in Australia. The Pied Oystercatcher is also found on southern Australia, Tasmania, and on various islands across to PNG.  The Oystercatcher species found in Europe is unsurprisingly called the "Eurasian Oystercatcher".

As well as The Falklands, the Magellanic Oystercatcher is found in Chillie, Argentina, Tierra del Fuego and around cape Horn, the Blackish Oystercatcher seems to have a similar range around Peru, Chillie, Argentina as well as the Falklands. 

In the Falkland Islands both of the two Oystercatcher catchers are present in good numbers, of these the Magellanic Oystercatcher is the most common with a population is over 10,000 pairs, and the Blackish Oystercatcher over 5000 pairs.   They are similar in size at 45 cm in length, and are easily distinguishable apart with the Magellanic looking quite similar to the Eurasian Oystercatcher.

We saw both species on a regular basis during our visit and whilst not an easy photographic subject, they were certainly a lot less camera shy than the Eurasian Oystercatchers I have photographed back home. 

Magellanic Oystercatcher above and Blackish Oystercatcher below.